Much thought has been given to produce an early years framework to enable the children who attend to flourish. Activities to support child development are adapted to the individual needs, abilities and rhythm of the attending children

Bilingual Practice

At La Compagnie Créative we are an international environment where many laguages and cultures mix. This allows children to be aware of and surrounded by multiple languages from an early age. During each day, children encounter a number of exchanges in english. During daily circle times children will hear stories and sing songs in both english, french and other maternal languages of the team. Children will hear world music in multiple languages and genres throughout the week. English workshops with native speakers give a time when children encounter stories and activities in english. Where recruitment allows, native or bilingual speakers make up our team of professionals working with the children.

Family Participation

 Families are welcomed to participate in the daily life of La Compagnie Créative. Parents will be encouraged to organise activities to share their cultures and traditions to awaken children to other lifestyles. Parents & Carers are able to share stories, cultural lessons and festivities which may not be present in your childs home setting.

Parental participation is mandatory for a new child beginning their time at La Compagnie Créative. This is a sensitive time for both child and parents and must be handled carefully for a successful transition into crèche life. All children will begin their time at the setting with a period of adaption to facilitate the successful integration of the child into the crèche. .